Absolvierenden-Messe Bern
What to do after graduation?
You invest a lot of energy in your training. It therefore makes sense to take the necessary time to plan the start of your career. Only those who are well prepared and know their options on the job market can make the right career decisions. And it is precisely these decisions that we will help you make at the Bern Graduate Fair.
Top Employer

Meet a wide range of companies at the Absolvierenden-Messe Bern!

Speakers, talks and coachings
10:15 – 10:45 a.m.

Schritte auf dem Weg zum passenden Berufseinstieg
Thomas Wegmann, Deputy Managing Director, talendo ag
Plenum 1
11:00 – 11:30 a.m.

Company Catwalk I
Companies present themselves
Plenum 1

Meistere dein Vorstellungsgespräch – Deine Selbstvorstellung als Türöffner
Franck Rhiner, Talent Acquisition, Grant Thornton Schweiz/Liechtenstein
Plenum 2
11:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

(Lohn-)Verhandlung im Bewerbungsgespräch
RA Dr. iur Jürg Koller, mediator, lawyer and notary, verhandlungsstark.ch
Plenum 1
Erfolgreich bewerben – was Personaler*innen wirklich wollen
Yvonne Hollatz, Senior Talent Acquisition Partner, Hays (Schweiz) AG
Plenum 2
12:30 – 13:00 p.m.

Who am I and what values are important to me when looking for a job / choosing a course of study
Romaine Zenklusen
Plenum 1

Dein Einstieg in die Bundesverwaltung als Student/in oder Abgänger/in
Laurent Woeffray, Political Rights Section, Federal Chancellery FCO Federal Administration
Plenum 2
13:15 – 13:45 p.m.

Networking for dummies
Tim Tenger, Founder / CEO, SOSKI
Plenum 1

Company presentation
Eraneos Switzerland AG
Plenum 2
14:00 – 14:30 p.m.

Company Catwalk II
Companies present themselves
Plenum 1
Social Recruiting – LinkedIn richtig nutzen
Yvonne Hollatz, Hays (Schweiz) AG
Plenum 2
14:45 – 15:15 p.m.

Lecture Topic Content / Networking, salary, career
Swiss Engineering
Plenum 1

Company presentation
ERNI Schweiz AG
Plenum 2
Impressions Absolvierenden-Messe Bern 2024 (more pictures under "Impressions")