Talents on Board Audit Bern

3 AVR. 3 AVR. EY EY, Schanzenstrasse 4a, 3008 Bern
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Event EY Talents on Board Audit Bern header

Détails de l'évènement

Détails de l'évènement
Start At: avr. 03, 2023 16:00 Uhr
End At: avr. 03, 2023
A déjà eu lieu
EY, Schanzenstrasse 4a, 3008 Bern
Audit / services financiers

Short Event Overview:

Take a look behind the scenes! Are you interested to learn about the many Assurance career opportunities on offer at EY Switzerland? Find out how you can personalize your career like you do your playlists. The Talents on Board Audit gives you the chance to do so.

EY's Talents on Board Audit will enable you to know who we are and what we do to build a better working world and how we drive long term value across our diverse mix of services on offer for our clients. Take this opportunity to better understand our specialist areas and gain more understanding about the work we do to help our clients.

After the event, we can get to know each other better over an informal Apéro. Let us answer all your questions and providemore information about the career opportunities at EY.