HSG Talents Conference - UBS Case Competition

28 FEB 13 MAR Universität St.Gallen Dufourstrasse 50 9000 St.Gallen Schweiz
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Event Universität St.Gallen HSG Talents Conference - UBS Case Competition  header

Dettagli dell'evento

Dettagli dell'evento
Start At: feb 28, 2024
End At: mar 13, 2024
Ha già avuto luogo
Dufourstrasse 50 9000 St.Gallen Schweiz

Three times in a row! The UBS Case Competition will take place again. Students will work in teams on impactful challenges over a period of three weeks, look at things from a different angle, prove critical thinking and connect with seasoned experts from the banking industry. Note: This event is hosted by HSG and is exclusively for HSG students. 
