UBS Trading Challenge

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Dettagli dell'evento

Dettagli dell'evento
Start At: ott 22, 2022 10:30 Uhr
End At: ott 22, 2022
Ha già avuto luogo
Banca / Finanza

Imagine Trading!

Ever wondered what a career in investment banking might be like? Here’s your chance!

At our UBS Trading Challenge event,  you’ll be sitting in a virtual trading room where you’ll buy and sell stocks. 

During the lunch break, you’ll be able to network and  talk with traders from UBS. After the simulation, we’ll give you personal detailed feedback on your performance.

Put your analytical skills to the test and join us for a fun and insightful trading game. Discover how and where your strengths within the financial industry lie.

Time schedule

  • 10.30 - Welcome & Intro 
  • 11.00 - Trading simulation 1
  • 12.30 - Lunch break 
  • 13.30 - Trading simulation 2
  • 14.30 - Closing

Who can join?

Applications are open for all majors. No prior trading experience or knowledge is required for the simulation. Just bring a little bit of curiosity and discover the practical angle of trading.

Pre learning portal

Prior to the simulation,  you’ll get access to a learning platform where you can get to know the exciting world of investment banking. On the day of the event, you’ll experience hands-on what it’s like to sell and buy stocks by taking on different job roles.


The number of seats are limited!

Participants will receive additional information (e.g. access to the learning platform and link to the simulation) one week before the event!

Please note that this event takes place on a Saturday!