BearingPoint Career Day 2018

13 NOV BearingPoint BearingPoint Zürich
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Event BearingPoint BearingPoint Career   Day 2018  header

Event Details

Event Details
Start At: Nov 13, 2018
Has already taken place
Event Location
Pfingstweidstrasse 60, 8005 Zürich

Design your own career

Graduating soon? How about starting your career in Consulting?

Apply now for the BearingPoint Career Day on November 13th, 2018 in Zurich. Take the opportunity to work on a real-life business case, experience daily consulting work and obtain first- hand insights into typical client projects.

Impress us with your abilities and receive a job offer the same day!


Please submit your complete application (Motivation letter, CV, university diploma(s), secondary school leaving diploma & reference letters) online via our career platform by November 4th, 2018 end of day.