Young Tax Profession of the Year

8 NOV 8 NOV EY Office Zurich
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Event Details

Event Details
Start At: Nov 08, 2022 10:00 Uhr
End At: Nov 08, 2022
Has already taken place
Event Location
EY Zurich, Maagplatz 1, 8005 Zürich
Auditing / Trust

Do you want to see the business world in global terms? Do you want to learn to work with people from around the world and learn how business is done in different cultures? All of this while learning new skills that are expected of tomorrow's leaders?

This is what the EY Young Tax Professional of the Year competition is all about.

During the first round, we will challenge your technical abilities and wider commercial strengths — do well here against some of the best minds in Switzerland and you will become a country finalist. As a country finalist, you will represent Switzerland at the Young Tax Professional of the Year international final in November 2022.