PwC's career webcast series - Digital Audit Insights

11 MAR 11 MAR PwC Virtual
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Event PwC PwC's career webcast series - Digital Audit Insights header

Event Details

Event Details
Start At: Mar 11, 2021 12:30 Uhr
End At: Mar 11, 2021
Has already taken place
Event Location
Auditing / Trust

Welcome to a new world of digital auditing! You didn’t know there is one? Let us guide you through it in our upcoming webcast.

Join us on 11 March 2021 from 12.30 - 1.15pm and learn more about our Digital Audit team and how we’re embracing technology to help organisations get a better understanding of their data, processes and controls.

We welcome you to join our webcast and be part of the digital journey at PwC.

Sounds interesting? Register now.