Consultant - TextMining / NLP

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Der Zweck von PwC ist es, das Vertrauen in der Gesellschaft aufzubauen und wichtige Probleme zu lösen. Wir schaffen Mehrwert in den Bereichen Wirtschaftsprüfung, Beratung, Steuern, Recht und Digital Services mit über 3300 Mitarbeitenden und Partner an 14 verschiedenen Standorten in der Schweiz und einem im Fürstentum Liechtenstein. Liebst du Veränderung und möchtest du die Zukunft eines der weltweit führenden Beratungsunternehmen mitgestalten? Dann hast du genau das, worauf es ankommt. Die Fähigkeit “to reimagine the possible”.

Jede Karriere ist einzigartig. Deshalb bietet dir PwC unzählige persönliche und berufliche Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten, die zu deinen Zielen passen und dir ermöglichen, deinen eigenen Weg zu gehen. Damit du alles erreichen kannst, was du möchtest. Und noch ein wenig mehr.

Your tasks

  • You are involved in a variety of projects and are responsible for text mining, Natural Language Processing (NLP), and relevant Proof of Concept or implementation projects in various industries, such as insurance, financial services, pharmaceutical and life
    science, and the public sector.

  • You are involved in development and refinement of NLP models (rule-based, machine learning, or deep learning), and may work with NLP vendors.
  • You will work closely with internal colleagues from different line of business, develop tailor-made solutions and discuss them with the client.
  • You support the team in internal development and can actively participate in the design and development of our business ideas.
  • You develop your technical know-how and your soft skills through targeted courses and seminars, and share your knowledge with colleagues.
  • You work in a diversified team in an international network.

Your profile

  • You have a Master or a PhD in text-mining related fields, data analytics, statistics, biostatistics, or engineering.
  • Ideally, you have gained at least 2 years of professionalexperience in design or implementation of text mining models and/or have received a PhD degree.
  • You know different methods for text mining, and are familiar with some of the models based on semantic rules, machine learning (CRF, SVM), or deep learning (CNN); and also relevant analysis such as Named Entity Extraction, Classification, Relation Extraction, Sentiment Analysis, Topic Modeling, etc.
  • You have experience in using NLP open source library and algorithms, and would like to deepen your knowledge and learn how to use new technologies.
  • You have experience in document OCR, and have worked with data lake environments.
  • You have some experience in UI interface design and development.
  • You have a clear interest in widening your skillset to other AI related technology, such as Robotic Processing Automation (RPA), predictive analytics.
  • You have a feeling for data structures and their problems.

  • You already have experience with programming languages and databases (R, Python, SQL,
    C++, Matlab).

  • You are interested in understanding our client’s business processes and challenges.
  • You are team-oriented, have a high willingness to learn and analytical and holistic thinking and work in xa customer-oriented, solution driven manner.
  • You have effective communication skills, speak and write German and English proficiently.

Mache den nächsten Schritt!

Brennst du darauf, die Zukunft zu gestalten? Dann hast du genau das, worauf es ankommt. Die Fähigkeit “to reimagine the possible”.

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Publié le 08/01/2021 Annonce originale