Bowling 101

4 APR Deloitte Flon Bowling Sarl, Rue des Côtes-de Montbenon 22, 1003 Lausanne
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Event Details

Event Details
Start At: Apr 04, 2024 18:30 Uhr
Has already taken place
Event Location
Flon Bowling Sarl, Rue des Côtes-de Montbenon 22, 1003 Lausanne

Deloitte x EPFL 

Where: Flon Bowling Sarl, Rue des Côtes-de Montbenon 22, 1003 Lausanne

When: 04. April, 18:30-21:00

Ever wondered how a career at Deloitte could shape up?

Curious about the exciting opportunities awaiting you


Look no further! We are thrilled to invite you to our

upcoming bowling event.

It's not just about strikes and spares; it's also a

chance to engage a conversations with our team in a relaxed setting.

Join us for an evening of fun, networking and insights

about life and careers at Deloitte.

Apply until

31. March, 23:59

We are looking forward meeting you soon!