Discover Deloitte Audit

14 NOV Deloitte Deloitte Zurich
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Event Deloitte Discover Deloitte Audit header

Event Details

Event Details
Start At: Nov 14, 2019
Has already taken place
Event Location
Deloitte Zurich

Do you want to start your career in Audit?

Team up with our Audit team during a fun afternoon of games and challenges where you can demonstrate your enthusiasm and creativity!

Afterwards, it’s time to let our hair down and enjoy some food and drinks together at a nearby location.

Don’t miss this chance to invest in your career.

Expand your network and get to know the people behind the #1 professional services firm in the world.

Join us!

Thursday 14 November 2019

15:00 – 18:30
(open end apéro from 18:30)

Deloitte Zurich

Event Deloitte Discover Deloitte Audit body


Shine! Make your impact by applying now at Application deadline is 7 November 2019.