Assurance Insights - Zurich

23 NOV 23 NOV EY EY Zürich, Maagpl. 1, 8005 Zürich
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Event EY Assurance Insights - Zurich header

Event Details

Event Details
Start At: Nov 23, 2022 17:00 Uhr
End At: Nov 23, 2022
Has already taken place
Event Location
EY Zürich, Maagpl. 1, 8005 Zürich
Auditing / Trust

The Assurance department provides auditing and advisory services for national and international clients. With innovative auditing services for locally and globally active groups, we make an important contribution to the stability of the economy and thus implement our purpose "Building a better working world" in our daily work. Is a career in auditing right for you? After the workshop, we can get to know each other better over an informal Apéro. Let us answer all your questions and provide you with further insights.