PwC’s Tech’n’Bowl

19 APR 19 APR PwC Bowling Center West, Ifangstrasse 8, 8952 Schlieren
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Event Details

Event Details
Start At: Apr 19, 2023 16:00 Uhr
End At: Apr 19, 2023
Has already taken place
Event Location
Bowling Center West, Ifangstrasse 8, 8952 Schlieren
Auditing / Trust

Do you like a good game of bowling and are passionate about everything around technology? Then this is the right event for you.

Join our Tech consultants at the bowling alley where they’ll give you insights into their day-to-day work. You will split up into teams to play a game of bowling. After that, you’ll get the chance to ask all your questions and network over food and drinks. Of course, you can also exchange with our Tech consultants during the game. But be sure to keep an eye on the bowling pins, too, because there is a prize for the most successful bowler!

Are you up for the game? Then register for the event now!

We’re looking forward to Tech’n’Bowl with you.