Soft skills: The invisible key to success

Besides tangible qualifications, there is something else that leads to professional success: soft skills.

  • October 23, 2023
  • 3 Min. reading time

In a time when technological advancement and professional skills are the focus, we might think that success in the world of work is just a matter of having the right diploma or the latest certification. But besides these tangible qualifications, there is something else that leads to professional success: soft skills.

What exactly are soft skills? Soft skills refer to those personal and interpersonal skills that are not directly related to our professional qualifications. They include empathy, communication, teamwork, time management, conflict resolution and much more. They influence how we interact with colleagues, superiors and customers and how we position ourselves in the working world. Why are soft skills so crucial?

Interpersonal relationships

In today's often technology-driven world of work, interpersonal relationships are crucial, even in tech-based professions. This is because we still work in a social environment that is characterised by teamwork and cooperation. The ability to communicate effectively, show empathy and resolve conflicts constructively are key components for success in any professional environment. Soft skills help us to build and maintain relationships. They enable us to gain trust and respect from our colleagues and superiors. This in turn creates a positive work environment and fosters collaboration.


The world of work is characterised by rapid change. Technological advances, economic developments and societal changes influence the way companies operate. In this dynamic environment, adaptability is crucial. Soft skills such as flexibility, openness to new things and the ability to adapt to different working conditions are crucial to succeed in a fast-changing environment. People with strong soft skills are able to adapt to new demands, learn new skills and deal effectively with change. This enables them to keep up with change and develop professionally.

Problem management

In any professional activity, problems and challenges arise. These can range from technical difficulties to interpersonal conflicts. This is where soft skills come into play, as they often make the difference between being able to overcome problems and failing at them. Soft skills such as problem-solving skills, critical thinking and stress management help us overcome obstacles and find solutions. They enable us to remain calm, even in stressful situations, and provide a clear framework to identify the best steps to overcome challenges.

How can soft skills be promoted?

  • Self-reflection: understanding where you stand is the first step. What soft skills do you already have? Where do you see room for improvement?
  • Mentoring: Find someone who is skilled in the area you want to improve. Learning from others can be incredibly valuable.
  • Seek feedback: Others often have a different perspective on you. Use this to your advantage.
  • Continuing education: There are many workshops, seminars and online courses that focus on building soft skills.
  • Gain experience: Get involved in group projects, join a club or volunteer. Here you can practice practically.

We often put our main focus on skills that we can easily measure and evaluate. But soft skills are just as important for our career development. It is these skills that often make the difference between good and outstanding employees.